How to feel Wealthy and not Broke

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So many of us are feeling broke these days.  No matter what your age, we are feeling the money pinch.

The cost of food is off the charts.  Going out to a restaurant is outrageously priced.  I mean, $50 for 2 people to have an omelet and coffee at iHOP???  That’s just nuts.  And yet it’s real.

Over the course of my life, I’ve been broke, and I’ve been in a place where I didn’t worry about money.  

I prefer the non-broke version. 😊

There is definitely a serenity that settles within you when you can pay your bills without a worry.  For years, I carried credit card debt that was quite large.  But I never stressed about it because I always paid the minimum balance on time.  I don’t think I really focused on how I was going to pay off the entire balance, but I knew at some point, I would figure it out.

And eventually I did.  But it took me over 15 years to do it.

Since then, my husband and I have had several conversations about what it means to be wealthy. And I think that definition changes by person and circumstance.

We came up with the following:

  • Easily pay monthly bills
  • Ability to save money each month; retirement and savings account
  • Ability to take a vacation each year
  • Ability to go out to eat weekly

The reality is, wealth starts within your mindset.  It’s how you perceive it.  And how you perceive its effect on your life. And whether or not you believe you are deserving of it.

So you can say that being wealthy is a state of mind.

And that is available to each and every one of us.  To gain wealth.  To feel prosperous, you must believe it.

So how do we do that?

Gratitude is a great starting point.

When you want what you already have, you live in abundance.  You are wealthy!

So take note of all that you have…right now.

Close your eyes, and be thankful for the list of things that you truly appreciate:  your health, your home, your car, your job, the clothes in your closet, your pretty shoes, the hair and makeup products.  Whatever it is….mentally go through them.  And make the list long.

You have a lot.

See the problem here is we are being constantly marketed to with the message that you aren’t enough. You need more. You need this product or that product to fill the void that you have.

But nothing outside of us makes us whole.

I’m going to write that one again:  Nothing outside of us makes us whole.

That comes from within.

So feeling wealthy and living an abundant life starts here:  It’s appreciating what you have right now.  Feeling all that you have right now.  And focusing on all that you have and not on what you don’t have.

See that’s the block we all have to remove.

We are focusing more on what we don’t have.  Instead of focusing on what we do.

And what we focus on, grows.

So do you want to grow your lack?  Or grow your abundance?

Start every day thinking about 3 things you are grateful for in your life right now. Every morning.  By taking that conscious action, you are priming your mind for abundance and abundant thought.  

And by doing that, you are creating a mental magnet for more.  For wealth.

In addition, when you catch yourself thinking about what you don’t have.  What you need to fill the void, change the channel.  

You already have everything you need.  Focus on that.  Be grateful for that.  And start building the magnet to attract and manifest more abundance in your life.

15 years ago, I was over $35k in debt.  In addition to that, I lived beyond my means because I was trying to fill the void with things and stuff that I believed would fill the void within me and make me feel better.

It didn’t work.

I just got further into the black hole of debt.

This mental shift was how I began the change from lack to prosperity and wealth.  

It Works.

Take responsibility for creating wealth for yourself.  Start with daily gratitude. Create your magnet for prosperity.  And believe you’re worth it and you can do it.  

You can Emerge Positive!



Emerge Positive is dedicated to improving mental health, culture, and productivity in the workplace.  Go here to learn more about how Connect by Emerge Positive® can help.  Or email me directly at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you!

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