Pinch me….is it really September? How is that even possible?
Labor day weekend for me has always signified the end of summer. Even though I know we technically have 3 more weeks, this weekend tends to end the easy breezy summertime vibe and brings a focus back to our life, career, and relationships.
This morning, I did an exercise that was really powerful and frankly helpful in focusing me on the next chapter. I’ve done this exercise in the past, but I’d forgotten it’s power. So what was it? It’s a letter from You to You.
Write a letter to yourself from your future 80-year-old self.
Write about dreams and goals you have today that are completed. Let your 80-year-old self tell you what it’s like on the other side of achievement. Hear how it feels, the doors you have opened, the successes you have experienced, and the struggles you endured to make it happen.
Don’t forget to talk about the insecurities, doubts, sadness and how you overcame them. Talk about your health…physical, mental and spiritual and how important it is to engage in self care daily.
I was amazed at the motivation and focus it created. Just by writing a simple letter!
This has such an impact because you know yourself. Only you know what dreams you hold. Only you know your doubts and insecurities.
So reading a letter that details it all out and that convinces you it’s all worth it, is impactful. And motivating. And yes, it also fills your mind with success….a mental magnet for yourself for you to draw in people, circumstances, and possibilities to start this journey.
For when you believe you can do it, you start manifesting pieces of it in your life. But you must believe in You.
And writing that letter has magical powers in creating belief. So before you shrug this off, try it. I found myself pouring words onto the page so quickly….it was as if the letter was being dictated. The whole exercise took 5 minutes max. So try it.
What do you have to lose?
I think of September as a month of renewal. It is a time to gather ourselves and realign to our dreams, goals and purpose. We have 4 more months in the calendar year and this re-alignment will help use that time effectively.
No matter what your age: 35, 45, 55, or 75… is time to get excited and enthusiastic about life.
What will your next chapter look like? And how will you feel when you’ve accomplished it?
If you’d like to improve your health (which is doable at any age), start taking a daily walk. 15 minutes. And build from there. You have the time. Everyone has 15 minutes to dedicate to their health.
And when you don’t feel like going, remind yourself of your letter. Or better yet, read your letter. Read the words from your 80-year-old self telling you how great you feel, how good you look and how much you have accomplished simply because you made taking care of yourself a priority.
It is time to stop wasting time. Use your life to be better. To help others. To enjoy your hobbies and people in your life.
When you look back, my hope is you will be grateful for the motivational letter from yourself. You will be proud of your accomplishments and their impact. And you will say to yourself, ‘Job Well Done’.
Which of course is a Life Well Lived.
When one of us improves, we all improve.
When one of us inspires, we are all inspired.
When one of us gives, we all receive.
We are all one and in this together.
My prayer for you is that you don’t give up on yourself. That you believe you can do anything you dream of. That you can achieve it. And that by doing it, it will improve this world we all share.
You can Emerge Positive.