Your Mindset is a Magnet: What Are You Attracting?

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‘Miracles happen when you focus on making a difference, not a fortune.’

Whether you have an idea to create a company, a product or service, you want to up your game at the office or just live a better life….your perception matters.

Scratch that.  

Your Perception is Everything.

How you think creates your day, your week, and your life.

Sounds a bit dramatic?  Ok, but the truth is your mindset is driving and creating your life.  So spending some time becoming aware of your perception is time well spent. And frankly, it can completely change the trajectory of your life.

Think of it this way:  your mind is a magnet.

Step back and think about that for a minute.  What are you consistently thinking about?

The need for more money?

That I’m fat and need to lose weight?

I’m lonely?

I hate my job?

I feel left out of my friend circle?

Confused and angry about my life?

No time for myself?

Whatever dominating and consistent thoughts are showing up is creating your overall perception.  These are the magnets.  And they are attracting like thoughts, people, and circumstances into your life.

Horrified yet?  Yeah, that was my first reaction too.

But when you flip it around and realize that you hold the power to create a new perception….and therefore a new life….well, that’s pretty darn exciting.

You do not have to sit where you are.  You don’t have to be the victim.  You get to choose something new.  Exciting.  Beautiful.  Inspirational.  Fun!

Or, you can sit where you are.  The choice is completely up to you.  That’s the greatest part.  You don’t have to rely on anyone else.

But if you are interested in improving your life in some small or significant way, why not try this?  See what you can create just by shifting your perception.  

From a scientific perspective, we are all energy.  And when you shift your mindset, you shift your energy.  Which changes your point of attraction.

“If we think we’re magnificent creatures with an infinite abundance of love and power to give, then we tend to behave that way.  Once again, the energy around us reflects our state of awareness.”  Marianne Williamson

What you give out, you get back.

So if you are starting a company or creating a product or service, make it about helping others.  And making a positive impact.  Don’t let your main driver be money or creating a fortune.

Miracles happen when you do something (ideally something you truly enjoy and are good at) for the purpose of serving others.

When you do that, you will be amazed at the doors that open.  The people that suddenly show up to help.  At the ease of life.

Like attracts like.

And guess what?  You can do this at work tomorrow!  Show up with the idea that you are going to help someone.  Somehow.  Some way.  

The circumstance will absolutely show itself.  Make tomorrow a game of how you can help.  Don’t make it about you.  Make it about service.  And see what happens.

You don’t have to be a CEO, a manager or leader in your community.  You just have to be a human being who is allowing yourself to be led by heart.

The amazing thing is, when you do that you make a difference in that person’s life.  And in all of those who witness it.  Or are told about the story over dinner.  Your impact goes far and wide.

You are like the pebble being thrown into the pond and you are creating ripples that touch and impact those around you.  And even those you don’t know and can’t see.

Your impact is limitless.

Let’s make this a daily game.  See how we can all change the world by this little seemingly insignificant shift.

Because you know better now. 😉

You can Emerge Positive.



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