You can Feel Good every single day.

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I had the craziest thought come over me this week:  What if I just decided to enjoy my life?

To let go of the fear, anger, frustration, worry, expectations, and comparisons.  To just enjoy each day.

Crazy, right?

But what if it isn’t?

I haven’t been able to let that thought go.  My mind has been gnawing at it ever since it popped up.  What would my life be like if I just decided to relax and enjoy it?  

I don’t mean that I would stop working.  Or stop being a parent and wife.  But I would put down all of the emotional baggage that likes to live in my head.  I would go over it.  Or frankly, just ignore it.

I mean, has it served me anyway?  Does worrying help me at all?  No. It does not.  What about anger?  Nope.  Frustration?  Expectations? Comparisons?  No, no, and no.

So why do I continue to do them?

This leads me to time.  I’ve been obsessing over it this week.  It’s as if I just realized that my time on this planet is limited.  And watching my parents get older is a tangible reminder that I will follow in their footsteps.

Time.  I figure I have 30 real good solid years to fully live my life.

That is, if I decide to take good care of myself between now and then.  You know, eat well, exercise regularly, stretch my body (ugh!), prioritize sleep and lay off the nightly wine. (also ugh.)

Based on what I see in the people in my life, 80 seems to be a line in the sand.  It’s when folks start to slow down.  When sitting in an armed chair is living a good day.

So I’ve asked myself, what do I want my life to look like between now and 80 years old?  What do I want to be doing?  Where do I want to be living?  What does my day-to-day look like?

And you know something, money never came into my mind.  

I just want to ENJOY MY LIFE.  I know we need money to provide food, clothing and shelter for ourselves.  But money is not the most important thing…it is not the driver of life.  However, we often get stuck believing it is.  

Enjoying my life is where I want to be every single day.

So I asked myself, why not start that now?

Enjoy my life now…hmmm….what does that look like?  

It means accepting each day as my new opportunity and experience.

It means letting go of the expectations I put on myself.

It means stop comparing my life and myself to others.

It means stop worrying!

It means stop living in fear.

It means to let the anger and frustrations go.

It means finding a way to love and actually like who I am, just as I am.

And as I write this, it seems so simple.  So easy.  Because I know in my soul that everything happens with perfect timing.  That you get back what you give out.  Karma exists and is living well.  And that my mindset:  my beliefs and perception, is creating my experience and my future.

So I can let go.

I can choose to live today and tomorrow and every day forward in joy.  I can create fulfillment right now.  I don’t have to wait to retire or to achieve a goal.  It’s right here in front of me right now.

What if you chose that too?  What would your life look like?  What would you do differently?  How would you feel?  How would you approach work, your partner, your kids, your family & friends?  How would you spend your time?

Are you still open to learning?  Or do you hold yourself responsible to know it all?  Which of course is impossible, but we do that as we get older.  We don’t want to learn new things.  Perhaps it’s due to fear. 

We all hold the gift and the responsibility of creating our life.

Read that one again.

We are each creating our day, our week and our life.  You hold that power within you.  I know this, but even I forget about it when I’m lost in the little details of life.  Or when I’m so overwhelmed with whatever is crossing my path.  Or when I’m stressing out on deadlines, money, relationships, or my health.  

We create our experience.  We get to choose.  

Take the day to ponder this idea.  What if you decided to just enjoy today, tomorrow and the day after?  To smile.  To feel lighthearted.  To laugh.  To feel good.

You can.  

You can Emerge Positive!



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