The Power of Community and Self-Belief in Challenging Times

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I always write these weekly blogs on Wednesday mornings.  Combination of the energy of the day and my schedule, well, it just works.

So today (Wednesday), I woke up to the news of the devastating fires in LA.  

I lived there for 10 years and spent almost 18 years working for Warner Bros in Burbank.  So I know the area well and I know and care for many people who live there.

It was just heartbreaking to watch the videos.  Absolutely unreal.

But with crisis comes the opportunity to come together as a community.  Steve Gutenberg was on TV last night talking about this.  He said that if you are able bodied, help your neighbors.  Come together as a community.  That in the end, what is most important is the safety of people.

And he’s 100% right.

People, not things are the priority.  Always.

Coming off of the holiday season, it’s easy to get that mixed up.

Now just 12 days into the new year, many of us are teetering on our goals or resolutions.  Do I really want to stay the course?  It can feel so much easier to stop and go back to what is comfortable.

I certainly had that thought last night when I wasn’t feeling well with the cleanse I’ve been on.  Part of me was trying to talk the other part into quitting.  “I can just stick with dry January and not eat starches and I’m good”.  

Yes, that is true.  But I really wanted to stay the course.  So I decided to wait until this morning to see how I felt.  And I felt better….not great mind you, but better.  

So I’m happy to report that I finished the cleanse. 😊

I was reading today in Mel Robbin’s new book, “Let Them” that so many of us create goals for ourselves that are purely based on comparing ourselves to others…in social media or with our friends/family.

We’re too fat, too tall, we aren’t beautiful, or our skills aren’t up to par.  Whatever it is, we feel like we aren’t enough and so we go on a plan to be like “them”.

Trying to be like someone else is a huge waste of your time.

Instead, work on being the best version of yourself.  That is time well spent.  You were brought into this world with your nose, your thighs, your mind, your athletic ability, or your gift in music and the arts.  Use that.  Lean on your gifts and bring your light into the world.  Stop the comparisons.

You can never be the best version of ‘them’….but Only You can be the best version of yourself.  And frankly, that is the best gift you can give to your friends, family, community and the world.

Because we are all connected.  And when you become your best self, you improve us all.

And remember, if you are reading this, have clean water, electricity, and a roof over your head, you are already better off than most on the planet.

So as you are working on improving yourself, be kind.  Remind yourself that You Are Enough.  That you have all that you need….you just need to continue to take action.

We are a community here at Emerge Positive.  Each of us share the commonality that we are creating a pathway forward that is leading to a better future for ourselves. And ultimately for us all.

So don’t give up.  I know life throws up distractions, hardships, and emotional valleys that can all be good reasons to stop trying.

But don’t.  Pause, perhaps.  Give yourself a moment to heal.  But then get back up. Try again.  Move forward.  Rebuild.

Because tomorrow will come.  The sun will rise.  And the smoke will leave.  

And we will thrive again….together.  

You can Emerge Positive.



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