How to Deal with the Stress from Political Division in Your Life

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We are a full week into our country’s new presidency. Half of us are truly happy and hopeful and the other half are….not.

So I thought this would be the perfect time to talk about taking back your personal power.

Regardless of what side of the political fence you sit, this information will help you. Because let’s face it, we all have people in our lives that do not see the world as we see it.  

For me personally, my parents and I sit faaaaaar apart in our views.  And I also have a couple of very close and dear friends….some that I’ve been friends with since high school….and we do not see eye to eye either.

I know you are in that boat too.

So what do you do?  How do you stop getting angry…ready to scream at the top of your lungs?  How do you stop reacting to social media and the comments and stories that are everywhere?  How do you continue on when you are in such disagreement?

You take back your power.

I’ve talked about this before, but was reminded of it again while reading Mel Robbins new book called, The Let Them Theory.  As an aside, it’s a brilliant book.  And if you are struggling with people in your life…your spouse, kids, boss, neighbors…this book will help you.  I just finished it and it will stick with me for the rest of my days….it’s one of those.  So go get it on Amazon.  It will change your life.

Taking back your power is about your response.

You can not control what people think.

You can not control what people say.

You can not control what people do.


So why are you getting all worked up over what someone said on Facebook or Instagram?

Why are you angry at the news?

These things are 100% out of your control.

But you know what is within your control?  Your Response.

You decide how to react.  You decide what you think.  You decide what you say.  No one, and I mean no one can make you respond in the way you do.  It’s completely your choice.

’But they made me so angry!!’

Yep.  But you still choose to be angry.  You still choose to respond in the way you want.  They can not make you do anything.

So if you are looking for peace in your life, and if you are sick and tired of the division in your family, friend circle, or colleagues at work, remind yourself that you can choose to take back your power.

How again?

  • First off, take a breath before you respond.  By doing that, you create mental space.
  • Step back and remind yourself that you have a choice right now on how you will react.
  • And take a moment to guard your peace.  It’s not worth the argument.  It’s not worth the stress. It’s ok to let it go and let them believe and say what they want. This has nothing to do with you.

On social media, it’s easy.  Stop responding.  Stop posting.  Or better yet, just get off social media for awhile.  If you are creating anxiety, anger, and stress for yourself by reading your Facebook or Instagram feed, take a month off.

But if you are face to face with someone, you will need to decide the best course of action.  In the goal of peace, I’d walk away and agree to disagree.  Or just agree to stop bringing up this topic. That is how I have handled it within my circle of family and friends. And it works as long as everyone respects those boundaries.

Again….you can’t control anyone outside of yourself.  So stop wasting your energy and your peaceful mindset.  

If you are passionate about something, then join a group or organization that is working on that subject.  Take action. Get involved.  Make a difference.  That is what America is all about.

Tomorrow the sun will rise again.  You will have a brand new day filled with unlimited opportunities.  And you can choose to be in a positive, peaceful and productive mindset, or you can be angry.  

Take Back Your Power.

You can Emerge Positive!



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