I’m starting the day sipping champagne. 🥂 Why? Because I think that 2025 is a year to celebrate!
Also, I’m starting dry January tomorrow.
Along with a 4-day cleanse.
So no judgments. I’m having my bubbly and I’m enjoying every single sip.
I know that New Year’s resolutions are not highly thought of anymore. So much so that I don’t even hear people talking about them. Instead, we are focusing on our goals, or changes or new habits we want to create.
Same/same? I think so too, but whatever. It’s just language. Whether you set resolutions or a new habit….I’m all in with you! Because I personally believe this is the best…and I mean Best….time of year to take action on something meaningful to you.
And I don’t know about you, but I can not stay where I am. Physically, Emotionally or Spiritually.
Somewhere in 2024, I lost my way. I got so distracted on other things and unfocused on my health that I’m finding myself waaaaay off path. And although it may be nice (great, really) to blame my family or neighbors or anyone for this misstep….the only person responsible for it is me.
💡And the only way out is to put my focus, energy and efforts to create change and get out of the hole that I put myself in.
Because I can sit and dream, study, read, go to classes, take webinars and say I want to do something.
But that doesn’t do a damn thing.
In order to create change, I must Take Action.
So I’ve decided that Action is my theme word for 2025.
Which leads me back to dry January and the 4-day cleanse. I’ve never participated in dry January before. And that’s because I love wine. I can’t imagine not enjoying it for an entire month.
No, that’s not true. I can imagine because I took a year off of drinking about 15 years ago and it was awful….ok, maybe that’s a bit strong. It was interesting. People got really upset when I didn’t order a drink with them. And I learned that many of our social activities are centered around drinking. Who knew?? By the end of the year I swore I would never do that again.
But now I’m in the hole I put myself into….remember? So I’m doing dry January. (With a little carve out for my husband’s birthday weekend). And I’m not looking forward to it. I know there will be evenings where I will want to quit.
But I won’t. Because I’m sick and tired of not meeting my health goals. So much so that I’m doing everything I can to assure I will stay on course, including participating in an accountability group for the next 6 weeks. There is nothing like feeling the pressure of accountability to make you stay on point. And these ladies will do just that.
I’ve committed to all of this because I really want to create change this year….real meaningful change.
Because let’s face it, we have choices in life and those choices come with outcomes. I can either make healthy choices today that will make the rest of my life better or make choices that will negatively impact the rest of my life. I get to choose and only my vote counts. Just like your vote is the only one that counts for the outcome of your life.
I bet there is something that you would like to change too.
Have you decided to do it? I mean, really make the change? Stop binge eating? Stop drinking wine to manage stress? Stop spending money you don’t have? Stop dating the wrong guys/girls? Start taking action on things you say you want but never do?
Why not now?
Isn’t the new year a perfect clean slate to begin?
Why Yes, it is.
Where people often go wrong with new year’s resolutions is they try to change too much all at once. You decide to go to the gym every day, cut out all carbs, stop drinking and go to bed early. Even though you haven’t exercised since before Covid, you love pasta and wine and a late night Netflix binge is your guilty pleasure.
And by day 3, you hit snooze so many times, you lost your window to work out. And then it is all too easy to skip the next day and the day after.
So let’s try something different. Choose one goal for January. Choose one thing only. And make your deadline January 30th.
We set ourselves up for success when we have shorter term goals and a singular focus.
So pick one thing and figure out what you can do to achieve it. But in baby steps. I know we like to see immediate results, but what is far more effective is to create a habit of taking an action that is aligned to your goal.
It doesn’t need to be a big thing. You just have to do something. Anything. And do it daily.
And then you can add to it when you’re ready.
They say it takes about 21 days to create a habit. So do your one thing for 21 days and then add to it for the next 21 days. And then add onto that.
And you can do it! So can I!!
I’m so excited for this year and the change I am creating. And I’m going to hold myself accountable to you too. Follow Emerge Positive on Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/LinkedIN to see my updates, complaints, accomplishments and my mindset on this journey. I’ll also share any tricks or hacks I do to get past the mental roadblocks. Just click on the social media icons below.
Remember: you are creating your life. Regardless of whether you are consciously creating change or unconsciously doing the same thing over and over. Your choices create the life you get to live.
May 2025 bring you the courage to say Yes to You.
You have everything you need to do it.
You can Emerge Positive!
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