Why you should get uncomfortable

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get out of comfort zone

Are you afraid to get “uncomfortable” in your life?

Staying in the “comfort zone” may be familiar and stress free, but it also could be limiting your future.

Admittedly, I’ve spent most of my young adult life in a comfortable and predictable space…..and it suited me. Life was pretty good, but it felt like it was lacking something. Fast-forward to today, I’m living my life in new territory; one that is uncharted and unknown. Some days it excites and energizes me, on others, it scares me to my core. But my heart is full, and for the first time, I feel like I’m Living My Life with Purpose. And it’s all because I finally left my comfort zone.

For most of us, the feeling of being uncomfortable isn’t good. And we’ll do anything we can to get back to a place of normalcy, a place where we can breathe and take it easy. There’s a reason we call it the comfort zone — it’s where we feel most relaxed. But we can’t get complacent. And if you’re looking for change, you’re going to need to get uncomfortable.

If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not stretching yourself.

You don’t change and grow when you’re in the ‘comfort zone’. That’s called coasting. If you want something better, it’s time to step outside of the box and get uncomfortable.

What do I mean by that?

Think about it. If you stay in the comfort zone, that means you’re stepping away from change. But change is good! Change is needed. Without change, you can’t improve. You can’t grow.

For example:

The weight isn’t coming off without a mental and lifestyle change.
The business won’t launch on its own.
Your life partner isn’t going to drop from the sky during your commute – you have to put yourself out there.

Your future self is DEPENDING on you to get uncomfortable now. To take a chance. Take the risk. Put yourself out there. Step into the unknown. Stop worrying about what other people will think. This is Your Life and Your Journey.

Now is your time. Get uncomfortable. Your future depends on it. You can Emerge Positive.


Ps. It would be an honor for me to work with you. Email me at [email protected] or go to EmergePositive.com to learn more about Emerge Positive Coaching.

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