What if the opportunity you’ve been waiting for has already arrived—but you missed it because it doesn’t look the way you expected?
Regardless of what you are looking for in life, we must be open to all opportunities that cross our path.
That can be a new job, a romantic partner, or even a new home.
When we are closed off to things that don’t resemble our expectations, we are shutting off future opportunities that could be leading us to our purpose and destiny.
After 8 years of living in Los Angeles, I knew it was time for me to move. This was not where I wanted to grow roots and make a home. So I started looking for jobs in Atlanta, a city I had only been to once, but felt a strong connection to move there.
After 18 long months of interviewing for many jobs, I finally gave up on my idea of moving in a ‘responsible way’. I had been telling myself that I needed to find a job so that the company would pay to relocate me. And I never considered any other option.
In the end, it didn’t happen the way I imagined.
When no job appeared, I had to pivot to a new plan. That involved me telling my boss I was moving to Atlanta in 3 weeks with no job prospects, little savings and a ton of debt.
Probably not my smartest move.
But it opened the door to a much better future for me. I was offered to keep my job and work remotely. In 2008!! It was an amazing life experience that completely changed the trajectory of my career and life.
Had I not been open to taking the chance on something that didn’t fit my conceived idea of getting a job in Atlanta, I would have never had all of the extraordinary experiences that were the result of that move.
I also had a similar experience finding a place to live. I had convinced myself that I should live in an apartment because I thought a house was just too much responsibility. I didn’t have time to mow the lawn and I didn’t even own a lawn mower!
And yet one day, I found myself sitting in front of a home with a for rent sign in front of it. The next 3 years were spent there filled with adventure, fun, and a place for me to rejuvenate when I wasn’t traveling for work. And it came with a gardener! Who knew?
This also happened in my relationships. My husband was not who I expected to find as my partner. Starting with the fact he had a 2 year old and I had no interest in having kids.
But sometimes life has other plans that are greater than we can understand in the moment.
When we refuse to open up to life experiences and not pay attention to what is right before us, we are potentially missing the doorway to our future. And our purpose!
I can’t imagine what my life would be like today if I hadn’t been open to all three experiences. Each expanded my life in ways unimaginable. And none of them were what I was looking for or expecting.
So if you are one of the thousands of people laid off and looking for work, don’t pigeon hole yourself. Yes, perhaps you have a long history in a certain field, but maybe your skill set is transferable to a new field where you will thrive!
This is an opportunity to open your mind to the possibilities. Our world is overflowing with them.
Use an AI engine to learn new job ideas. Load your resume into Chat GPT and ask it to tell you jobs you would be considered for based on your experience and skillset.
It just might spit out something you never even considered.
And as you are talking to your network of friends, family and colleagues, be open to opportunities to help. Maybe there is a friend’s start up company you can lend a helping hand. Or even a local fundraiser. You never know who you will meet and what opportunities will come.
What I do know is what you give out, you will receive.
So, Be Open.
Same with relationships. Get rid of your list. You know the one. He’s got to be a certain height, make a certain amount of money, drive an expensive car, dress well, blah, blah, blah. You may be missing the love of your life because he’s not on your list.
Be Open.
Your ‘perfect’ home you dream of may look great online, but it may not be the neighborhood you will love most. Maybe there’s a mean dog next door. Or maybe there’s a kid that plays the drums at all hours of the night that will drive you crazy.
Be open to other opportunities. They may not look like the house you dream of, but maybe the older home that you remodel will be so much better for you and your future family.
Be Open.
I know it feels like we are living in a doom and gloom time. But opportunities for you are everywhere. Don’t let the job market numbers get you down. Jump in and start doing something. Doors will open.
It all begins with our mindset and our willingness to see each opportunity as it shows up; even when it is a surprise and looks different than you expect.
Everything comes with perfect timing.
You have the amazing opportunity and responsibility to create a life that you love. So don’t limit yourself.
You can Emerge Positive!