Feeling Stuck? Try Moving Around Some Furniture.

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I really don’t like my home office.  We’ve been in our home for over a year and a half and I’ve spent very little time in it.

Instead, I end up working on the island in the kitchen, the family room, the “lounge” (our upstairs family room), my bedroom, or even my bathroom. (It has a little area for getting ready that I sit at to do computer work sometimes).

I’ve realized this is not optimal….for me and certainly not for the people that have to live with me.

So I walked into the middle of my office and just stood there, taking it all in. And really focused on how it looked and how it felt.

I realized that it had good light.  And good energy.  This could be a nice place to hang out!

But the furniture placement was all wrong.  

I’ve never been into feng shui.  In fact, I’m pretty clueless about it.  But after this experience, I completely get it now.

The placement of my desk was just all wrong.  It was blocking the flow.

So I took some time to figure out a better layout.  I even sketched it out (something I never do because I’m awful at drawing).  But I needed to see it because moving my desk is a huge ordeal.

You see, I don’t have a normal desk. Instead, I opted to get a “project table” that is actually 3 separate pieces:  the top desk, and two side book shelves that hold up the desk part. I’ve drooled over this desk for years and finally broke down and bought it 2 years ago. (If you’re curious, it’s at Pottery Barn here.)

So you can’t just pull the desk across the room.  You have to disassemble it, move it, and reassemble it again.

Now my husband is a generous and helpful man.  But even he has his limits.  I knew I had to figure this all out and be confident in the new positioning before putting him to work.

Long story short, I moved it into a corner, which opened up the entire room.  (Which is meant to be a bedroom).  It changed everything about the flow, the energy and it even felt more welcoming!  This was a place where I could create things.

Going into that room changes me.  It shifts my mindset.

Isn’t that crazy?

Something as simple as moving furniture around can have a large impact on how you think, and how you perceive your life.

It can help lower stress!!

It can make you feel better.  More relaxed, more comfortable, feel more creative, and happy.

This concept also extends to clutter.

I have an extreme case of anti-clutterism.  Whether you are with me on this or not, please know if you are trying to work and live in a space that has stuff all over the place, you are not living your best life.  Because it does impact your mindset.  Which means, you are not showing up as your best self.  Period.

The clutter acts as a block.  

So if you want to improve your quality of life, spend some time this weekend putting things away.  Or giving them away.  Or throwing them out.

As you do that, you will literally feel yourself relax.

I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.  A cluttered home creates a cluttered mind.

And one can not live in bliss in a cluttered home.

So pour yourself a cup of tea, coffee, or your favorite beverage and take a slow walk around your home.  Contemplate what you can easily do.  (And shoving it all under the couch does not count).

Can you buy storage bins for the garage or basement?  I bought these clear bins to put under my sinks in the kitchen and bathroom.  What a transformation!  Click here to see them on Amazon.  Home Depot also has great and affordable options.  And of course, the Container Store is a fun, but more pricey place to shop for these types of items.  They are having a 35% off sale right now, so it might be worth checking it out.

You will be amazed at how clear plastic bins will clear up any space that is in a drawer, under the sink or in your pantry.  (I literally geek out over the results!)

Now I realize some of you may not be geeks about this like me. But….if you get rid of the clutter, you will improve your overall mindset.  This just may be the key you have been waiting for to get unstuck. To get your creative juices flowing.  Or to start a new hobby, job, company, or book club!

If you are mentally struggling in any way, try this.  Take a drawer, a closet or a room and remove the clutter.  Find new ways of organizing the mess.  Move furniture around so that it is pleasing to the eye and it feels good!  You will be surprised at the physical and mental benefits that come from it.

Your life is a blank canvas and you are the painter.  (Or in this case, organizer/declutterer).

You can Emerge Positive!



Emerge Positive is dedicated to improving mental health, culture, and productivity in the workplace.  Go here to learn more about how Connect by Emerge Positive® can help.  Or email me directly at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you!

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